Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal Articles : [2607] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of journal articles produced by Biological and Environmental Sciences staff.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 2607
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
Dec-2024Evaluating the importance of footloose-type failure in ice island deterioration modelingCrawford, Anna J.; Crocker, Greg; Smith, Jesse; Mueller, Derek; Wagner, Till J W-Journal Article
Oct-2024Calving Dynamics and the Potential Impact of Mélange Buttressing at the Western Calving Front of Thwaites Glacier, West AntarcticaCrawford, Anna; Åström, Jan; Benn, Douglas I; Luckman, Adrian; Gladstone, Rupert; Zwinger, Thomas; Robertsén, Fredrik; Bevan, Suzanne-Journal Article
2024A new 3D full-Stokes calving algorithm within Elmer/Ice (v9.0)Wheel, Iain; Benn, Douglas I; Crawford, Anna J; Todd, Joe; Zwinger, Thomas-Journal Article
Nov-2024Historic land use modifies impacts of climate and isolation in rear edge European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) populationsRhoades, Jazz; Vilà-Cabrera, Albert; Ruiz-Benito, Paloma; Bullock, James M.; Jump, Alistair; Chapman, Daniel-Journal Article
Jul-2024Stability of Ice Shelves and Ice Cliffs in a Changing ClimateBassis, Jeremy N; Crawford, Anna; Kachuck, Samuel B; Benn, Douglas I; Walker, Catherine; Millstein, Joanna; Duddu, Ravindra; Åström, Jan; Fricker, Helen; Luckman, Adrian-Journal Article
Mar-2023Assessing Ice Island Drift Patterns, Ice Island Grounding Locations, and Gridded Bathymetry Products between Nares Strait and the North AtlanticCrawford, Anna; Mueller, Derek-Journal Article
Sep-2022Strategies to build a positive and inclusive Antarctic field work environmentKarplus, Marianne S; Young, Tun Jan; Anandakrishnan, Sridhar; Bassis, Jeremy N; Case, Elizabeth H; Crawford, Anna J; Gold, Anne; Henry, Leilani; Kingslake, Jonathan; Lehrmann, Asmara A; Montaño, Patricia A; Pettit, Erin C; Scambos, Ted A; Sheffield, Elizabeth M; Smith, Emma C-Journal Article
19-Jul-2021Brief communication: Thwaites Glacier cavity evolutionBevan, Suzanne L; Luckman, Adrian J; Benn, Douglas I; Adusumilli, Susheel; Crawford, Anna-Journal Article
24-Mar-2020Ice island thinning: rates and model calibration with in situ observations from Baffin Bay, NunavutCrawford, Anna J; Mueller, Derek; Crocker, Gregory; Mingo, Laurent; Desjardins, Luc; Dumont, Dany; Babin, Marcel-Journal Article
27-Jun-2016Journey of an Arctic Ice IslandCrawford, Anna; Wadhams, Peter; Wagner, Till; Stern, Alan; Abrahamsen, Povi; Church, Ian; Bates, Richard; Nicholls, Keith-Journal Article
2019Soil net nitrogen mineralisation across global grasslandsRisch, A C; Zimmermann, S; Ochoa-Hueso, R; Schütz, M; Frey, B; Firn, J L; Fay, P A; Hagedorn, F; Borer, E T; Seabloom, E W; Harpole, W S; Knops, J M H; McCulley, R L; Broadbent, Arthur A D; Stevens, C J-Journal Article
2021Marine ice-cliff instability modeling shows mixed-mode ice-cliff failure and yields calving rate parameterizationCrawford, Anna J; Benn, Douglas I; Todd, Joe; Åström, Jan A; Bassis, Jeremy N; Zwinger, Thomas-Journal Article
2022Rapid fragmentation of Thwaites Eastern Ice ShelfBenn, Douglas I.; Luckman, Adrian; Åström, Jan A.; Crawford, Anna J.; Cornford, Stephen L.; Bevan, Suzanne L.; Zwinger, Thomas; Gladstone, Rupert; Alley, Karen; Pettit, Erin; Bassis, Jeremy-Journal Article
23-Aug-2024The West Antarctic Ice Sheet may not be vulnerable to marine ice cliff instability during the 21st centuryMorlighem, Mathieu; Goldberg, Daniel; Barnes, Jowan M.; Bassis, Jeremy N.; Benn, Douglas I.; Crawford, Anna J.; Gudmundsson, G. Hilmar; Seroussi, Hélène-Journal Article
Apr-2020A stationary impulse-radar system for autonomous deployment in cold and temperate environmentsMingo, Laurent; Flowers, Gwenn E.; Crawford, Anna J.; Mueller, Derek R.; Bigelow, David G.-Journal Article
3-Jan-2024Will they be back? A framework to guide rare macrophyte conservation decisions in lakesBennion, Helen; Sayer, Carl; Baker, Ambroise; Bishop, Isabel; Glover, Azra; Jones, Viv; Law, Alan; Madgwick, Genevieve; Peglar, Sylvia; Roberts, Carole; Rose, Neil; Turner, Simon; Willby, Nigel; Yang, Handong-Journal Article
28-Jun-2023Doomed drones? Using passage experiments and mathematical modelling to determine Deformed wing virus population dynamics in male honeybeesWoodford, Luke; Steketee, Pieter C; Evans, David J-Journal Article
May-2023All together now: Geographically coordinated miticide treatment benefits honey bee healthWoodford, Luke; Sharpe, Graeme; Highet, Fiona; Evans, David J-Journal Article
22-Jul-2022Quantitative and Qualitative Changes in the Deformed Wing Virus Population in Honey Bees Associated with the Introduction or Removal of Varroa destructorWoodford, Luke; Christie, Craig R; Campbell, Ewan M; Budge, Giles E; Bowman, Alan S; Evans, David J-Journal Article
Dec-2021First come, first served: superinfection exclusion in Deformed wing virus is dependent upon sequence identity and not the order of virus acquisitionGusachenko, Olesya N; Woodford, Luke; Balbirnie-Cumming, Katharin; Evans, David J-Journal Article
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 2607

This collection contains electronic copies of journal articles produced by Biological and Environmental Sciences staff.